About Us


We help small businesses turn their QuickBooks accounting from a burden to an advantage. Essentially…

We are the experts that take bookkeeping off your plate and off your mind, freeing business owners from the worry, and allowing them to shift their focus and energies on their business.


The data from accurate financials brings advantages in making wise decisions in navigating your business.

Accounting is about compliance and has a historical bent to it. Yet you wouldn’t drive down the road at 75 mph looking backward. We offer Advisory Services to look ahead. Using accurate financial data to plan and achieve growth and success.


Excellence is a core value for us. This excellence in our client service and support is reflected in our client reviews and operating as a referral-only business. It is an honor to be entrusted with our client’s financials.

  • Whether or not you use QuickBooks, you need to have a system for categorizing expenses — not only so you can see what’s actually happening— but so you can capture all of the savings now available to business owners (if only they knew about them).
  • It doesn’t help to have your accountant tell you that you are running in the red — after you’ve buried yourself in debt. Or that a particular product/service category is booming — after you’ve finished your sales cycle. Let us point you where you need to go.
  • Intuit Bookkeeping has years of accounting experience, working for you and your family. Being the lead steward is our ‘why’. To wisely & faithfully manage and grow that which is entrusted to us. We consider the stewardship of our client’s financials as an honor and responsibility. We manage the books with the same excellence that we do our own. Success to us is the success and growth of our clients. We look to move beyond the basic compliance of accounting and resolve challenges and pain points for our clients and improve processes and systems. Our client’s continued trust and recommendations are our greatest compliments.

Let's Work Together!

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Telephone: 858-255-0991
Mailing Address: PO Box 910710, San Diego, CA 92191
Email address: elizabeth@intuitbookkeeping.com